Genevieve Parker-Twum

Genevieve is an enterprise development expert who currently works with SNV Ghana as the Senior Incubation and Acceleration Advisor on the GrEEn project (an EU funded project implemented in the Ashanti and Western regions of Ghana).

Her role involves designing and managing incubation and acceleration programmes for green MSMEs, designing programmes to strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem, improve access to finance and markets for the youth, women and returning migrants who have started businesses in the Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sectors. Her work has also included designing and managing programmes to match diaspora and local entrepreneurs, mentors and investors to early-stage SMEs in Ghana.

Areas of interest and expertise include supporting SMEs to build sustainable, eco-inclusive and social impact-oriented business models, promoting female participation in entrepreneurship and early-stage SME investment.

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